5 Things to look for in your Friendship.
Hi there, Today I’m gonna tell you about something different, . I’m gonna share you the 5 things to look for in your friendship. Guys, Friendship is something that can need lots of things to be with.
We always get to hear “A friend is one who overlooks your broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden.” and “True friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable.” It is a relationship of mutual affection between people.
There are five major things that need to be always taken care :
1. Honesty :
You and your friends can completely be honest with each other. You can love them to the core and also scold them like your children without them getting offended.
Honesty is a sign of respect — Really, if you respects your friends, you’ll be honest with him or her. It is really very important to you to be honest with your friends. It is something that can make your friends feel that you have trust on them. If they have trust on you that you won’t lie to them or cheat on them, then definitely the bond between both are become stronger.
They can start sharing their feelings and personal information with you without fear of being judged. Honesty gives birth to trust.
2. Acceptance :
This is something that definitely makes the bond of friendship stronger, Your friendship may be pure and accepting. it transcends all differences in race, caste, color, economics class, and other factors. It is purely based on the trust you have in each other and the connection you feel from within.