Docker Essential Commands Cheat Sheet | Docker Cheat Sheet
Docker is a powerful tool for containerizing applications, making them portable, scalable, and easy to manage. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, having a quick reference to essential Docker commands can significantly boost your productivity. This article provides a comprehensive cheat sheet of Docker commands, covering everything from basic operations to advanced container management.
Basic Docker Commands
1. Check Docker Version
$ docker — version
Verify your Docker installation and check the version.
2. Run a Container
$ docker run <image>
Launch a container from a specified image.
3. List Running Containers
$ docker ps
View all currently running containers.
4. List All Containers (Including Stopped)
$ docker ps -a
Display all containers, regardless of their state.
5. Start a Stopped Container
$ docker start <container_id>
Restart a previously stopped container.
6. Stop a Running Container
$ docker stop <container_id>
Halt a running container.
7. Remove a Stopped Container
$ docker rm <container_id>
Delete a container that is no longer in use.
8. Remove an Image
$ docker rmi <image_id>
Remove an image from your local Docker registry.
9. Pull an Image from Docker Hub
$ docker pull <image>
Download an image from Docker Hub.
10. Push an Image to Docker Hub
$ docker push <repository>/<image>
Upload an image to your Docker Hub repository.
Working with Images
1. Build an Image from a Dockerfile
$ docker build -t <image_name>:<tag> .
Create an image from a Dockerfile in the current directory.
2. Tag an Image
$ docker tag <image_id> <repository>/<image_name>:<tag>
Add a tag to an image for easier reference.
3. Inspect an Image
$ docker inspect <image_id>
Get detailed information about an image.
4. List All Images
$ docker images
See all images stored in your local Docker registry.
Container Management
1. Rename a Container
$ docker rename <old_name> <new_name>
Change the name of an existing container.
2. View Container Logs
$ docker logs <container_id>
Check the logs generated by a container.
3. Execute a Command in a Running Container
$ docker exec -it <container_id> <command>
Run a command inside an active container.
4. Stop All Running Containers
$ docker stop $(docker ps -q)
Stop every container currently running.
5. Remove All Stopped Containers
$ docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
Delete all containers that are no longer running.
6. Remove All Unused Images
$ docker image prune
Clean up dangling images not associated with any container.
Volumes and Networks
1. Create a Volume
$ docker volume create <volume_name>
Set up a new Docker volume for data persistence.
2. List Volumes
$ docker volume ls
Display all Docker volumes.
3. Remove a Volume
$ docker volume rm <volume_name>
Delete a specific Docker volume.
4. Create a Network
$ docker network create <network_name>
Establish a new Docker network.
5. List Networks
$ docker network ls
See all Docker networks.
6. Inspect a Network
$ docker network inspect <network_name>
Get details about a Docker network.
7. Remove a Network
$ docker network rm <network_name>
Delete a Docker network.
Docker Compose
1. Start Services Defined in a Docker Compose File
$ docker-compose up
Launch all services specified in a `docker-compose.yml` file.
2. Start Services in Detached Mode
$ docker-compose up -d
Run services in the background.
3. Stop Services
$ docker-compose down
Shut down all services.
4. Build Images Defined in Docker Compose
$ docker-compose build
Build images as defined in a `docker-compose.yml` file.
5. List Running Containers in Docker Compose
$ docker-compose ps
View containers managed by Docker Compose.
Advanced Commands
1. Export a Container to a Tar File
$ docker export <container_id> > <filename>.tar
Save a container’s filesystem as a tar archive.
2. Import a Tar File as an Image
$ docker import <filename>.tar <image_name>:<tag>
Create an image from a tar archive.
3. Copy Files from a Container
$ docker cp <container_id>:/path/to/file /local/path
Transfer files from a container to your local machine.
4. Copy Files to a Container
$ docker cp /local/path <container_id>:/path/to/file
Move files from your local machine to a container.
5. Monitor Real-Time Container Resource Usage
$ docker stats
Track the resource usage (CPU, memory, etc.) of running containers.
Having a Docker command cheat sheet handy can streamline your container management and improve your workflow. Whether you’re building images, managing containers, or configuring networks and volumes, these commands cover a wide range of Docker functionalities. Keep this guide nearby to reference quickly as you work with Docker, and don’t hesitate to explore each command further to fully understand its capabilities.